Proxy Sites

Proxy websites which provide HTTP or socks proxy lists

Proxy NameDomainCountryAlexa RankPopularity
US Proxyus-proxy.orgUnited States99686
Free Proxy Listfree-proxy-list.netUnited States102494
Socks Proxysocks-proxy.netUnited States263770
SSL Proxiessslproxies.orgUnited States259283
HTTPTunnel Geniushttptunnel.geUnited States99999999
ProxyNova.comproxynova.comUnited States99999999
XROXY Proxiesxroxy.comUnited States99999999
Free Proxy Listsfreeproxylists.comUnited States99999999
ProxyListsproxylists.netUnited States99999999
USA Proxy Listproxz.comUnited States99999999
Free Proxy Listfreeproxylist.orgDominica99999999
Proxy HTTPproxyhttp.netNetherlands99999999

Proxy FAQs

Some frequently asked questions about our proxy sites

Those are some proxy sites which provide free http proxy list or socks proxy list. We only list the best proxy sites here. Some of them have been running for more than 10 years.

You can submit your proxy site here. We use dofollow links for the top 10 proxy sites.

You can use our free software Elite Proxy Switcher to test the proxy speed. We don't show the speed in the proxy list. It's because one proxy may have different speed for different users. For example, a proxy which is fast for USA users may be slow for European users. So check it by yourself.

Alexa Rank is a index showing the traffic of site, the smaller the better. It depends on the number of visits of the site. The statistics are collected by the Alexa toolbar. Now Google is on the top of Alexa Rank. It is the site with most visits in the world according to the statistics from Alexa.

Popularity is a index showing how users like the site. The statistics are collected by It is the bigger the better.

Note: Click on the heading text to expand or collapse questions.

Proxy Service

Use our premium proxy services to hide your real IP address

My IP Hide

My IP Hide

Surf with 104 encrypted proxies in 34 countries. Change IP every minute. Faster than VPN.

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Rotating Proxy Icon

Rotating Proxy

12000 HTTP(s)/Socks5 proxies for SEO/traffic tools. Rotate IP every second or 30 minutes.

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Traffic Bot

Generate YouTube views, SoundCloud plays, or site visits. Free for our Rotating Proxy users.

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My IP Hide

It's better than free proxies because it's stable and encrypted

Unblock Websites
  • Save the time of finding new proxies every day. MyIPHide uses our private proxy servers. It's always working and fast.
  • Use encrypted connections to bypass the firewall of your company, school or even country, accessing any website at any time.
  • You can always choose your favorite IP from our 104 (and growing) premium IP addresses in 34 countries.
  • 0.1 seconds to switch to a new IP address, breaking the location restrictions of the websites, such as Youtube and BBC iPlayer.
  • All your devices (Windows, Mac, Android, and Linux) can use the same account. We don't limit the data transfer.
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Save time, save lives, by stable and fast proxies

MyIPHide vs. Free Proxy

Free proxies are usually slow, unstable and die fast. It takes much time to find new working proxies every day.

Our product MyIPHide can save your time (life). It uses our private proxy servers. We manage and tune them to ensure they are always working and fast.

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  •   For Windows, Android, Mac, and Linux
  •   30-day money-back guarantee

We accept PayPal, credit cards, Alipay, Bitcoin, and many other payment methods. All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee.

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My IP Hide has 104 servers (IP addresses) in 34 countries

MyIPHide servers all over the world
United States
(CA, FL, GA, IL,
SwitzerlandUnited Kingdom
Hong KongAustralia
IndiaNew Zealand
JapanSouth Africa

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